Saturday, August 29, 2009

Masa laa Ch'ool! Guatemala Summer 2009

I had the amazing, eye-opening, life-changing opportunity to go to Guatemala this summer for a humanitarian project. Singular Humanitarian teamed up with Choice Humanitarian for the largest expedition Choice has ever seen. There were 90 of us, and it was a huge success. We were in the remote Polochic Valley in the small villages around the mountain. Some of the activities we were involved in were teaching in the schools, teacher training, building a middle school, putting in a water system, building a school kitchen, medical/dental clinic, Rural Health promoter training, midwife training, finance workshops, etc. I spent most of my time teaching, interpreting for the medical clinic, and building the middle school. I even got to help clean teeth!
The people there speak mostly Q'echi'. I tried to learn as much as I could in the short time I was there. Mostly phrases like "You are Crazy" and "You are my friend." The kids at school taught me "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."

I was so touched by the warmth and kindness of the Polochic people. They were grateful and generous. I was very touched by the whole experience. They have so little physically but are so rich in love and goodness. What a BEAUTIFUL people they are!

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...


You know what? I think you are amazing!!!